Tramway and Glasgow Youth Arts Hub collaboratively produced ‘Am I an Artist?’ in 2016. A project where young people discovered learnt about visual arts and the Turner Prize nominated artists, creating an installation at Tramway in response to the exhibition.


YOMO was a collaborative project between researchers at Glasgow University and CCA looking at youth mobilities in digital space.

Role: Lead artist

The Arts Award programme at Glasgow Sculpture Studios allows young people to learn sculptural techniques and ideas whilst following a programme of research and skill sharing to gain an accredited award.  There are three levels; bronze, silver and gold and the programme is part of GSS’s education and engagement programme.

Role: Lead artist, mentor and assessor. Programme development.




Sculpture kids and sculpture babies take place every week at Glasgow Sculpture Studios.

The workshops are free, drop in and have use different themes and materials every week.

Role: Artist/Facilitator



Experienced in delivering workshops to all age groups in sculpture, painting, printing making, photography, moving image, installation, youth empowerment, plastic pollution/recycling and gender based issue/identity.

Sept 2017             Breakthough Facilitator, exploring gender based issues, PEEK, Glasgow

April 2017            Lead Artist, Youth Mobilities, Glasgow University/CCA

2016-now             Arts Award Mentor, Glasgow Sculpture Studios

August 2016       Bronze Arts Award Moderation, Princes Trust, Glasgow Sculpture Studios

2016                        Facilitating/project managing ‘Arts Tours by Led Young People’, Glasgow International/GYAH co-production, 3 month project, ages 15-25

July 2016              Delivering Metalwork Sculpture workshop for Glasgow Sculpture Studios/GSA WP 15-16yrs

2015 -now            Delivering Sculpture Club, ages 3-12, Glasgow Sculpture Studios

April 2016            Workings sculpture and painting workshops with vulnerable adults, Glasgow International

2015                        Facilitating ‘Am I an Artist’ young people for The Turner Prize Thursday Night Event, GYAH/Tramway co-production, 3 month project

2014 – 2016        Glasgow Youth Arts Hub, Youth Committee support and workshop facilitation including, event planning, signage, youth empowerment and confidence building

April 2015            Local Press workshops for vulnerable adults and for 5-12 years in printmaking, photography and sculpture

2014 – 2016        Lead Artist in sculpture workshops, Creative Cargo, including barge based,

outdoor and gala day sculpture workshops, Glasgow Sculpture Studios

Oct. 14                    Printmaking workshop for Depot Arts and The Clipperton Project at ‘Shed Load of Science’

2013-2014           Science and art workshops, boat or land based, The Clipperton Project, Shetland, Rio de Janeiro, Uruguay, Barcelona

2010                        Painting: New Directions, workshop for Creative Careers Conference, NCN

Breakthrough was a PEEK (Possibilities for each and every kid) designed to support, educate and empower young people to explore identity, self-esteem and gender based issues through arts.

Role: Lead artist at Churchhouse, Bridgeton

Workings, for Glasgow International 2016, was staged as a residency/exhibition.  The artists, Beth Shapeero, Philip Gurrey and Samantha Madonna, made work on site and encouraged visitors to help with the making of the work.

Workings Press Release


For Local Press we designed prints to give away to local visitors which linked aesthetically to our sculptural or installation works.  See the prints in visitors homes here:

Press Release



Block took place in Spring/Summer 2017, beginning at a tenement block in Govanhill and leading to Tramway.  The project engaged with local people and organisations to meet, share food and ideas and create a series of limited edition screen prints exhibited in local organisations forming a walking tour from the block to Tramway.

Press Release

Bedroom was commissioned by ART PARK at House for an Art Lover as a month long residency/project.

Over the month, while the bedroom/show room emerged, visitors dreams were recorded as audio and drawings which played through the lamp like hanging speakers and the bed, and adorned the walls.  The month culminated in a ‘work-in-progress’ exhibition where dreams by visitors and the drawings and paintings by the artist were exhibited as part of an interactive installation.

Press release